🕹️Steam Sales Analysis

less than 1 minute read

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive ETL pipeline for extracting, transforming, and loading game-related metadata, details, and sales figures from Steamspy and Steam APIs into a MySQL database on Aiven Cloud.
  • Engineered data retrieval and processing with batch processing and bulk inserts to ensure accurate and efficient data ingestion and validation.
  • Designed interactive Tableau dashboards to visualize data dynamically, providing actionable insights into gaming trends and sales performance (showcasing KPIs).
  • Created a command-line interface (CLI) for managing data ingestion processes, with commands for cleaning, fetching, and processing data, including customizable options for batch size and data handling.
  • Configured and maintained database integration, ensuring proper connection and storage of data within the MySQL database.
  • Created and deployed a Python PyPI package.
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