🚥Machine Learning based Traffic Light Detection and IR Sensor based Proximity Sensing for Autonomous Cars

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Published in and presented at the 2nd International Conference on IoT Based Control Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICICNIS 2021) organized by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Kottayam, India on 28 & 29 June, 2021

Machine Learning based Traffic Light Detection and IR Sensor based Proximity Sensing for Autonomous Cars

This paper focuses on traffic light detection using the OpenCV2 module and proximity sensing with IR sensors to detect nearby traffic, obstacles, and pedestrians. The system interfaces these sensors with an Arduino Uno board and a computer to monitor the behavior of the autonomous car, addressing critical challenges in outdoor perception and obstacle detection.

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Recommended citation: Rao, Sudarshana S and Desai, Santosh R, Machine Learning based Traffic Light Detection and IR Sensor based Proximity Sensing for Autonomous Cars (July 10, 2021). Proceedings of the International Conference on IoT Based Control Networks & Intelligent Systems - ICICNIS 2021.

Tags: Arduino Uno, Machine Learning, Open CV, Python, Sensors